David Mink Now Vice President of Operations

As a senior member of the SLI team, David has contributed to the development of many of State Listings, Inc's various platforms and brands, especially My State MLS. With a background in both television and radio, David is one of the main voices for State Listings, Inc and My State MLS, giving training webinars and personal training, as well as hosting trade shows.

"In his new role as Vice President of Operations, David will be working more on Strategic Partnerships and how we integrate them into our business," said Dawn Pfaff, President and founder of My State MLS. "He is one of our original employees in the company and has helped us grow tremendously. We are looking forward to more rapid growth under his leadership." 

"It's been an honor to be such an integral part of State Listings' growth over the past 10 years," said David. "I'm excited to take on this new role to continue that growth and improve the everyday experience of real estate agents and brokers. I am ready to hit the ground running. I already have some big projects I am working on including adding more syndication sites to the 100+ sites we already syndicate and give more marketing opportunities and exposure to those in niche markets like commercial brokers, auctioneers and mobile and manufactured community owners."

When not at the office, David enjoys spending time with his family, recording music at his DIY home studio, or playing video games from his personal collection.

What to Read Next

The Listing Appointment Playbook

The Listing Appointment Playbook

When it comes to winning listing appointments, are you dancing in the end zone or fumbling the ball? A winning team starts with a great game plan, and so do successful agents.  Download The Listing Appointment Playbook for your all-in-one guide to score more seller clients and streamline your listing appointment process.

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