The Nationwide Multiple Listing Service

List any property type in any state you are licensed with MyStateMLS ... the MLS that does more.

What is My State MLS?

My State MLS is the nationwide real estate Multiple Listing Service that allows members to list and search properties anywhere in the United States. Our member brokers and agents can conveniently list properties wherever they are licensed from one account, search across the country, and work with our wide network of agents. My State MLS provides members with a competitive edge, extra coverage on their listings, and tools to get more leads. We frequently add new features to ensure our proprietary software meets the fast-changing needs of our members and the industry. Our platform is great for real estate agents, brokers, appraisers, auctioneers, and more.

Expect More From Your MLS

more phone calls

List and Search Anywhere in the US

MyState allows agents to list and search properties outside of the jurisdiction of their local MLS.

drive website traffic

Unlimited CMAs

and dozens of other features and tools are included with every membership.

increase sale

No Listing Fines or Fees

Unlike many local MLSs, you know the exact cost of your membership and won't get hit with surprise fines.

Perks of your My State
MLS Membership

125+ consumer-facing real estate websites plus international syndication
Get an Instant Cash Offer for your listing
List virtually all property types with custom fields
HD photos, virtual tours, and marketing brochures, branded for your company. We also send drip email campaigns for your listing searches.
IDX, data feed & custom website option. Get more listings and leads for your website.
Ownership and control of your data. We don't claim your data. Your listing your lead from our public site.
No boards to join. Your entire office does not have to join for you to be a member. We don't charge for broker participation.
Flexible payment terms - choose from monthly or yearly. Discounts for yearly memberships and when your whole office signs up.

Here are some of the ways you can use My State MLS to grow your business:

Expand Your Territory
By listing properties statewide, for nationwide attention
Post Open Listings to the MLS
Generate buyer, seller & rental leads
Generate More Buyer and Seller Leads
With our IDX integration and data feed
My State MLS participates in Revenue Sharing
We pay real estate pros for signing up their office with a monthly commission.
Get Instant Cash Offers at The Property's Market Price
Give your seller more options with our seamless Cash Offer program.
No marketing, staging or showing required.



per month

Get the MLS that does more for an affordable monthly rate.

Join the MLS

per year

Save $160 off monthly pricing when you pay annually.

Join the MLS


Save even more when your whole office joins together.

Join the MLS

Local Listings with a
Global Impact

My State MLS members are part of a nationwide network of real estate professionals. Your membership gives you access to agents and brokers across the country, meaning you can send and receive referrals in all 50 states. That means you can help clients who are moving out of your area, and learn about buyers moving to your state before they even arrive.

Membership also includes advertising for your listings on a constantly growing list of consumer real estate sites around the country - and the world. Your listings will appear on over 20 international real estate websites with translated listing descriptions and prices converted to local currency.

Who Uses My State MLS



Start your career or enhance your marketing with the nationwide MLS.



Join as a brokerage to get exclusive admin tools and service that scales.



Access comparable sales nationwide.



Auction-only fields make sure your bidders have all the info they need.

MH Dealers

MH Dealers

Get unique fields for your listings and syndicate to top consumer sites.

MH Communities

MH Communities

Make your community the top choice for buyers in your area.

Join My State MLS today, the Nationwide MLS that does more.

Public Resources

Whether you're a new agent or a seasoned real estate professional, check out our blog posts & events for insights on how to grow your business!

What Is The Difference Between IDX & MLS Sites

For brokers, agents, and buyers, listings for real estate properties are required. But how are listings created and shared with others, as well as viewed? Learn more about the MLS as well as the IDX here.

Learn More

iBuyer Review - What Is An iBuyer?

iBuyers are a technology-driven company for a property that employs automated valuation models to calculate the worth of a property and to offer a purchase price typically in less than 24 hours.

Learn More

Upcoming Events

Ready to take your career to the next level? Join us for our educational webinar series by registering for a session below. Are you feeling ambitious? Register for all of them. We will look forward to seeing you there!

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