Are you an auctioneer or do you buy or sell properties at Auction?
If so, you may be looking for a way to list those auctions that make sense to the public, and still offer cooperation and compensation to cooperating agents. MLS software should be auction friendly, meaning auctioneers who sell real estate should be able to list property as either an absolute auction or a reserve price auction.
The Nationwide MLS, My State Multiple Listing Service and NY State MLS have auction friendly software, with an auction rule that allows absolute and reserve auctions to list property with a starting bid price for non-absolute auctions and an estimated value price for absolute auctions.
For National Association of Auctioneer (NAA) members who are looking for a way to list real estate auctions nationwide in a way that is meaningful on a multiple listing service, look no further. The auction property type allows an auctioneer to list a property as an absolute auction or regular auction, with an auction start and end date. Auctions can be listed as on-line only and there is a field to fill out for on-line only bidding. As in all MLS listings, cooperation and compensation is offered between members.