Signs of a Leaking Pipe in Your Home

By Kayla Keena

Whether you just moved into a new home, have been living there for years, or are looking to sell, it's important to keep in mind the signs of a leaking pipe. A leaking pipe can cause health risks, damage your home, and lower the value when trying to sell. Discover the signs early, and conduct the repairs promptly.

Look at the Water Bill

Sometimes,  there may not be any obvious signs of a leaky pipe in  your  house.  However,  if  your water bill comes back higher than usual, that may be an indicator of a leak in the pipe system.

One common cause is a leaking toilet somewhere in the house, but sometimes, it's not that simple. At the sign of an inexplicably high water bill, contact a plumber to resolve the leak.

Stains or Smells in Rooms

Yellowish discoloration, mildew, or musty smells are classic signs  of a leaking pipe in your home. There may also be signs that there is  a  leak  in  the  roof,  and  rainwater  is  seeping  through  the  ceiling  or  walls.  You  will  still  need  to  fix this problem, but doing so requires a roofer, not a plumber.

If the stain is below an upstairs bathroom, you need to have the pipes inspected before they can do more damage. When leaks get to this point and mildew begins to grow, they can cause health risks if not removed immediately.

Be Prepared for Leaks

Sometimes,  to  fix  leaks,  you  will  need  to replace old and rusted  piping.  If  you  know  beforehand  that  the piping in your  home  is  an  issue, then replacing those pipes as soon as possible will be in your best interest. If you wait too long, not only do you have to pay for new pipes, but you will also pay for the damages that the leaks will cause.

If there is currently a leak in your house and you want to investigate it yourself, make sure to take the proper precautions first. If the leak  has  flooded  the floor, wear proper protective footwear, such as shoe covers or waterproof boots. There are many reasons to protect your feet from dirty pipe water, but the number one reason is to prevent infection.

Leaking pipes require quick action to get them resolved. Resolving piping issues will save you from wasting money on leaking water and will protect you and your family's health.

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The Listing Appointment Playbook

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