Teen Mom Now Brokerage Owner with over 200 Agents

Go Home TV interview with Tenisha Williams

By R. Michael Brown, Go Home TV Producer

This month is Women's History Month so we would like to celebrate a real estate broker that is making a difference in the real estate industry and in her community.

Tenisha Williams went from a teen mom to owning and becoming the CEO and founder of Elite Realty Partners, a $200 Million real estate brokerage with over 200 agents.

As reported by Yahoo News and Finance: "She solely attributes her faith to the achievements of her company's rapid success. But life for Tenisha 'ain't been no crystal stair.' Pregnant at age 15 and bringing another life into the world at age 16, she was determined not to abandon her daughter or her dreams. When she went to college at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Florida, she took her daughter along with her. There, she became a full-time student while being a single mom. Many may see the shiny side of entrepreneurship but not know the true story behind the glory."

"I take pride in providing Elite service to each and every client," said Tenisha. "I've created a team of partners that put their passion for helping people above anything else and have built a reputation on being referral based and building lifelong relationships with all of our clients."

Dawn Pfaff, president of My State MLS and host of Go Home TV interviewed Tanisha and was inspired by what Tenisha had to say.

See More [Tenisha Williams @ Elite Realty Partners]

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The Listing Appointment Playbook

The Listing Appointment Playbook

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